Tuesday 25 February 2014

CII - SMS HR Conference 2014 @ SMS Lucknow

Inaugurating the third edition of two days Human Resource Conference jointly organized by School of Management Sciences & Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on February 21st 2014, the Hon’ble Cabinet Minister, Govt. of U.P. Prof. Shiva Kant Ojha highlighted the critical role of Human Resources in National Development. “U.P. Government is aggressively implementing various skill building initiatives to make the state a reservoir of trained manpower”, he informed. However he cautioned that talent migration is an Issue that requires serious attention. He reiterated his government’s commitment towards instilling employability skills amongst youth of economically weaker section of U.P.
Prof. Ojha emphasized that our state has a big infrastructure of Human Resource and proper use of that is required by all of us. Majority of our youth are between 15 to 35, coming from villages, should be shown the right path to become skilled professional. Youth are full of capacity and enthusiasm, which can put forward the state in all directions. There is no dearth of talent but the need of hour is to show them a right path.
Welcoming the dignitaries and top H.R. brass of India Inc., The CEO & Secretary of SMS, Mr. Sharad Singh expressed hope that the deliberations over two days of the event will bring out actionable insights in the field of Human Resource Management.
Representing the CII, The Director H.R., Devyani International, Dr. Virendra Pratap Singh Spoke about High Productivity levels of Indian manpower settled abroad. He opined that a conducive working environment and right incentives go a long way in harnessing full potential of human resources. We are passing through a phase where transition is taking place. Professionals from Human Resource Management are now rising to the level of CEO and Director.

Dr. C.M. Dwivedi, President & Global Head H.R. Datamatics, congratulated the organizers for consecutively organizing an event of this scale third time in a row. He shared innovative H.R. Practices being followed across the world. Dr. Dwivedi shown concern about increasing population of educated unemployed in India. The Student of a particular discipline is not able to find job in the desired field.
The guest of Honor Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Head, H.R., HDFC shared his views on tremendous contribution of Human Resource and its potential for India. Speaking on different facets of H.R. Mr. Kumar focused on gender diversity and women’s role in Human Resource Management.
At this juncture Hon’ble Minister Prof. Shiva Kant Ojha invited the Industry Representatives to add their might towards development of industrially backward states as well.
The Conference Chair Dr. Manoj Mehrotra presented Mementoes to the distinguished guests. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Sachin Agarwal Vice Chairman, CII U.P. State council.
The day was marked by plenary speeches by industry stalwarts. The audience comprised Academicians, Research Scholars, Business students and practicing managers.


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