Thursday 7 February 2013

Sports Fest -2013

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” a famous proverb with an obvious importance and SMS believes in the same. It’s true that classes are of utmost importance, they add to personality, learning and character of students but, sports actually reveal the character – as said by, Heywood Broun.
 Sports serve the society by providing vivid examples of teamwork and intelligence as said by George F. Will. So, sports not only add to the physical fitness but also teach teamwork and intelligence in practical life.
 SMS TC, Lucknow celebrates its Fourth Annual Sports Fest 2012-2013 in the duration of 30th January to 2nd February with full dose of enthusiasm, zeal.
 The event started with screening matches of outdoor games of volleyball, football and cricket on knockout basis. The teams in semi-finals were paired on lottery basis. Simultaneously indoors were running.
 At last, the winners proved that Gold medals arent really made of gold. Theyre made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts as said by Dan Gable.
 Each and every team was given points for the respective positions which they got in championship. At last the team of Electronics and Communication Department proved that, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships” as said by ― Michael Jordan.
 The detailed list of winners is attached herein.


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